Looks like I am very late to the party.I just now came across this thread! She's 10 months old and I don't know what her background is but she will have a long happy life with us. She's just a little skittish of noises right now. She loves my husband too and everybody else she meets. The house was so lonely! I believe God hand picked her for me. She's perfect for me as I retired from home child care and our lab Sammie died 2 months ago. I have a very hard time prying her off me, she's either in my arms or on my chest or playing.

I looked at other cats and had a hard time deciding as they were all very sweet and pretty but in the end I chose the one with the most loving personality and I believe the one who chose me. When my sister and I took her out, she just laid in our arms purring like mad.

She had already been adopted when I got there and I wasn't leaving without a kitty! The first cage I came to had a little orange tabby who started meowing loudly and running after me as far as she could. I had been wanting another cat, her in particular, and my husband finally relented. Just 2 days ago I went to the humane society to adopt a 5 yr old long haired female who had been there quite a while. Both cats got along fine after a bit and both slept with me, mom, and my sisters. Then one day an orange long haired tabby literally just walked in the door-and stayed! He was so laid back and loving. Growing up my family adopted a stray light yellow tabby who was very timid but loving. I read every post on this thread and find it very interesting. Hi, I'm new to the site and am so glad to find this place. By night he has his own crate made up for him, and, by day he's a goat wrangler. He is now living on a goat farm in the barn. BUT, god help you if you tried to pet him. He loved to play, never scratched the furniture, loved his scratch pole and his igloo bed, the couch, my bed and would rub up against. I adopted a 2nd orange tabby from the shelter about a month later. But as I said he was abused, let outside, no vet care, yada, yada, yada. So, there can be very moody (attack cat) orange cats. Or, someone would come in, immediately stop, and ask: "is that cat going to bite me he's looking at me funny." He never went at anybody at my house, but, people did tiptoe around him. I'd say what's wrong, and, the person would say: "that cat looks like he is going to come after me." The cat happened to be snuggled near my thigh. Occasionally tho, I would see my friends slowly moving away from while we were on the couch watching t.v. We got home and he definitely was nice to everyone, but, noticeable who's person belonged to him. He would crawl up on my lap, and.yes he was a hugger. But, for some reason for me-it was pure love. Everyone hated him, and, he hated everyone. but, my first orange cat soul mate was a huge polydactyl with a stub tail.